For Safe and Healthy Migration Journey

About us


Migration Health Working Group (MHWG) is an inter-ministerial working group established by Minister of Health, Viet Nam in May 2021. MHWG serves as a technical coordination mechanism that enables the relevant departments across different ministries to manage migrant health issues and coordinate with relevant stakeholders to foster the design and implementation of migrant-friendly health interventions and policies.

MHWG consists of representatives from various ministries, relevant governmental agencies, and UN agencies. MHWG is chaired by Director of General Office for Population and Family Planning (GOPFP), MOH and Chief of Mission, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Viet Nam. GOPFP of MOH, IOM and World Health Organization (WHO) are also secretariats of the group.


Objectives of MHWG

The establishment of MHWG is an important milestone in Viet Nam towards advancing the migrant health agenda. Health of migrants cannot be ensured by health sectors alone. Health sectors and non-health sectors need to work together to better understand migrant health issues and address challenges related to the health and well-being of migrants in a coordinated manner.

MHWG aims to achieve the following objectives:

Provide technical assistance and participate in the development of policies, programs and plans related to migrant health.

Promote participation, connection and information sharing about migration and migrant health.

Develop and implement a coordinated action plan on migrant health.

Strengthen capacity of the working group members.

5) Facilitate communication, dissemination and social mobilization activities on migration and migrant health in Viet Nam.

Members of MHWG

Dr. Le Thanh Dung

Chair of MHWG
Director of the Department of Population
Ministry of Health

Park Mihyung

Co-chair of MHWG
Chief of Mission, IOM Viet Nam





World Health Organization


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